Unless he's awesome!
Here are a few lovely outfits put together while being completely inspired by Marcus Brewer.
What is it about school uniforms that they always have to be navy, burgundy, and white? Wouldn't it be great if a school chose something really outrageous, like fuschia and lime green? Just to switch it up, for heaven's sake!
Alexander McQueen sure knew how to make a yetti sweater. That's all I'm sayin'
Craftzine.com blog : Movie Inspired Knits - Sweater from About a Boy
This is the coolest thing I have seen since sliced bread. While trying to find photos of the infamous rainbow sweater from the Dead Duck Day, I happened upon this story of a woman knitting the same sweater for the Badly Drawn Boy music video. Swoon! Swoon! Swoon!
This set includes both the rainbow and some cool new trainers (and the mustard colored chords that I found so charming in the film. Why didn't I know any boys when I was thirteen who wore rainbow sweaters and mustard chords and killed ducks with their mum's homemade bread?)
This is more just what I would have liked to wear on Dead Duck Day, but it still includes a chunky knit cardigan, so it still is Marcus inspired... right?
And while you may be worried as to what happened to this poor little chap, look how he turned out:
Boys and girls take note: When you cut your own hair and wear rainbow sweaters, this is what happens to you: you grow up to star in Tom Ford movies and look sexy as hell.
So what do you think? Fashion icon, or awkward geek who deserves to be killed? And not that softly, either.
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